Mount Argentario is located in front of the city of Orbetello and is linked to the mainland by two long sandy strips: Tombolo della Giannella and Tombolo della Feniglia.
Porto Santo Stefano and Porto Ercole are the only two populated centers of the territory. They are placed on the north side and the south side of the mount.
Argentario is one of the most charming place of the tuscan coast, a peninsula rich in history, art, culture and traditions. Here you can find small sandy beaches and coves enclosed between the rocks that have never experience any changing by men. The wild mediterranean vegetation that dominates the whole territory is the perfect frame for excursions and walkings. Along the paths heading on top of the mountain is possible to admire the colors of the sea and in the distance the landscape of Giglio Island.
Farmhouse ArgentarioFarmhouse Argentario

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