Located between green hills and great cultivated fields, the village of Saturnia was already known in the Etruscan times with the name Aurinia. Testimonies of that glorious past are still present in the historic center and in the surroundings. There are in fact several ancient necropolises and fortifications.
The heart of the village is surrounded by medieval and roman walls which have been preserved almost intact over the centuries, as well as the cobbled streets that cross it.
This historic resort in the heart of Maremma is famous for its hot springs emerging from the ground. Water at 37 ° C has healing properties for the musculature, joint and respiratory system.
The Spa of Saturnia give immediate relaxation just bathing in the water, also given by the natural environment in which they are inserted. The most popular are the Cascate del Mulino, scenic rock pools accessible for free.
Farmhouse SaturniaFarmhouse Saturnia

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